License РГ-03-217/05.05.2020 issued by the Bulgarian Financial Supervision Commission to MK Brokers is for conducting investment services and activities set forth in art. 6, para. 2, p. 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 of the Bulgarian Law for the Markets in Financial Instruments, as follows:
- Accepting and routing orders regarding one or more financial instruments;
- Execution of orders for the account of customers;
- Discretionary portfolio management;
- Investment advise;
- Offering and creating financial instruments without an irrevocable obligation for undertaking.
There are also additional services, provided based on art. 6, para. 4, p. 1-5 from the Bulgarian Law for the Markets in Financial Instruments:
- Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of our clients, including trust services, and the services related to this activity, such as cash management, collateral management, with the exception for the centralized accounting for securities, according to Section A, p. 2 from the annex to Regulation (EU) 909/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council, dated July 203, 2014, for the Improvement of the Settlement of Securities in the European Union and the Central Depositories for Securities.
- Margin and securities lending to investors for transactions with one or more financial instruments, under the condition that the intermediary that lends the funds/securities does not take part into the transaction.
- Corporate advisory about the capital structure, business strategy and related issues, as well as advisory regarding the transformation and acquisitions of corporations.
- Investment prospecting and analyses or other forms of general recommendations, connected to trading in financial instruments.