Тhe growth market for SMEs BEAM is a specialized market, organized by the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. MK Brokers is one of the officially licensed Advisers on the market, that can facilitate your access in an easy and efficient, professional manner, acting as a one-stop-shop.
The main goal of the BEAM market is to facilitate capital funding for SMEs at lighter requirements than those at the regulated markets, thus providing for similar benefits as those that public companies have. The BEAM market is an intermediary step a company can undertake before growing into the regulated market of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange.
Access the BEAM market via MK Brokers
MK Brokers is a licensed investment intermediary, approved by the Bulgarian Stock Exchange to act as an adviser to the BEAM market.
Advantages for the Companies Issuing at the BEAM Market
The market for growth of SMEs BEAM can provide many advantages in terms of easier access in relation to the administrative requirements for listing on the prime segments of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. There are lighter requirements both for listing of new companies to the market and for the lifetime of the issues on the market. These include:
No prospectus approval by the Bulgarian Financial Supervision Commission is required for issues up to the amount of EUR 3 million;
No approval of prospectus by the Bulgarian Financial Supervision Commission is required for any capital increase up to EUR 3 million for a company, already listed for trading on the BEAM market;
For any capital increase amounting go more than EUR 3 million for a company, listed for trading on the BEAM market, a shortened prospectus is required, which is to be approved by the Bulgarian Financial Supervision Commission;
Only annual and semi-annual reporting is required for the companies, listed for trading on the BEAM market;
The management boards of the companies, listed for trading on the BEAM market, can execute deals with company assets or carry out transaction from which significant receivables or liabilities arise without having prior approval by the shareholders;
Companies can opt for listing on prime markets via a lightened procedure;
Shareholders in the companies, listed for trading on the BEAM market, do not have the obligation for share disclosure if their respective share passes through any benchmark rate;
Company shareholders are not required to carry out tender auctions for the shares of minority shareholders after the acquisition of a specified share of the company’s stock;
There is no requirement for an in-house investor relations officer for the listed companies;
Advantages for the Investors
Besides the opportunity for investment in attractive, fast growing and developing companies, the investors have a better tax treatment of their investment income.
According to the Law of the Corporate Income Taxation and the Law for the Taxes, levied on the Income of the Natural Persons, the income from the BEAM market in terms of capital gains is exempt from taxation up to the end of 2025 for both natural persons and corporations;
Trading on the BEAM market
The trading on the BEAM market is done via the Deutsch Boerse trading platform T7, which is also used on the primer markets of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. Transactions with financial instruments on the BEAM market are concluded based on buy/sell orders from the members of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange and the quotes of the market makers, if any. All orders placed are an irrevocable statement for the purchase/sale of a given quantity of financial instruments at a limited or market price, given specific additional requirements, if any. All financial instruments, listed for trading on the BEAM market are continuously traded.